Belden Solutions NV Services Portfolio
XTran Care

Belden Solutions NV has developed its Care program, applicable throughout the XTran’s project lifetime. Today’s Care program is based on decades of experience in supporting operational telecom networks. As Belden Solutions NV appreciates the criticality of the network infrastructure to industrial customers, all the necessary procedures and resources are put in place to guarantee maximum uptime of an XTran network.

Care Packages

Belden Solutions NV has grouped its after sales services in three packages:

SW Care

Software Care including unlimited access to the 24/7 Care team, while making the Care Portal available for the latest minor and major software releases.

HW Care

Hardware Care covering extended warranty.

Total Care

Combining HW and SW Care.

The 24/7 Care Team puts you at ease

In case of any anomaly or critical event related to the XTran network equipment, the customer or partner services staff need to be able to rely on a safety net or lifeline. The associated costs of a possible communication failure can indeed be substantial, both in economic terms and in terms of loss of reputation. If the worst comes to the worst, one needs to be able to call in the experts: The Belden Solutions NV 24/7 Care Team.

This Team consists of highly qualified and specialised technical staff with industrial market knowledge. They have put the necessary processes and tools in place to help solve problems. They are ready to provide support, day in day out, 24/7. If required, they have direct access to the co-located XTran development teams for further advice and support.

Besides attending to the most pressing network issues, they are also available to address product-related questions raised by all trained services staff.

The Care Portal - all you need at your fingertips

As a certified partner or an end user, access can be provided to the Care Portal. This website provides the latest versions of the technical manuals and guidelines as well as the latest software versions.

Belden Solutions NV distinguishes between minor and major releases. Minor releases typically become available three times a year and contain functional improvements. Major releases on the other hand also include a substantial set of new functionalities and are typically released every one to two years.

The Care Portal is a “must have” for all staff responsible for the proper functioning of their XTran network.

Warranty and spare parts

Customers are strongly advised to have an inventory of spare parts in order to keep the network going. Depending on the network size, type and number of XTran modules in operation, Belden Solutions NV will calculate the number of recommended spare parts.

The standard product warranty is one year and can be extended to five years. Sending items for repair can sometimes be cumbersome at big organisations as purchase orders need to get the necessary approvals. Extended warranty cuts the red tape. Faulty modules will be replaced by a fully functional one as soon as possible.

All networks carry information.
Some networks carry it exactly the way you want.