Our products
A wealth of experience and the ability to innovate, a powerful cocktail

Belden Solutions NV is a leading supplier of mission-critical telecommunication solutions to industrial customers for more than 30 years. The company has developed a unique next generation platform tailored for industrial applications. 

XTran is a flexible, state-of-the-art product allowing customers to go full packet. Its underlying MPLS-TP technology avoids the complexity of generic telecom solutions developed for service providers. 

Since its market introduction back in 2014, more than 100 customers worldwide have deployed XTran.

Excellence in Transport

Operational telecom is facing some major challenges as traditional SDH/SONET networks are becoming obsolete and need to be replaced. Therefore, Belden Solutions NV has developed XTran. XTran secures reliable operations in harsh environments while its management system (TXCare) supports an intuitive and simple handling.

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XTran Network Management System

TXCare is an intuitive, graphical interface for the network administrator. It has built-in traffic engineering capabilities making sure that critical services are configured properly. Network failures are detected and diagnosed. Event logs and audit trails are available to perform in-depth investigations. On demand performance management is done with a few mouse clicks. Multi-functional views of the physical network, the programmed tunnels and its individual services are retrieved on the fly.

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All networks carry information.
Some networks carry it exactly the way you want.